Art Club
Art Club is a fun place to gather after school to paint, draw, or just catch up on an art project.
Green Band is comprised of 6th grade students
Gold Band (7th and 8th grade students)
Character Club
Do you like talking about your favorite Sports Players and Celebrities? Come join the Character Club.
The Mullen choir meets weekly and prepares for the annual Holiday Concert and Gloucester Township Honors Concert. We also traditionally go Christmas caroling at the elementary schools in December and visit each school again in May.
Drama Club
The students in Mullen Drama rehearse from January until May and then perform their annual production. Rehearsals are scheduled through the week, and students attend if their scene is being rehearsed that afternoon.
Helping Hands Club
The Helping Hands Club is a working club, a service club and a landscaping club all in one. We beautify Ann A. Mullen School with much pride!
Horticulture Club
Greenhouse Club will begin in January and runs until end of May. Open to all students.
Dates are determined by the weather.
Flag Football/Basketball-Meets Mondays & Wednesdays-See calendar posted outside of gym for specific dates
Must sign up and have a valid physical on file with the nurse prior to participating
Lego Robotics Club
Introduces students to the fun and excitement of science and technology. League students do the work; like program an autonomous robot (using Lego Mindstorms robo set) to score points on a thematic playing surface, create innovative solutions to a problem. These three elements - the Robot Game, Project & FLL Core Values make up what we call our yearly challenge. Teams will be composed of up to ten students with two Lead Coaches.
Library Club
At the Library Club you can read, check out books, do homework, type, online research, etc. Meets every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until the late bus. Open to all students, but you must sign up by 2 pm daily.
Mullen Day Break
The Mullen Day Break TV program strives to develop effective communication and technical skills while promoting teamwork to create and deliver high quality video news programming to our school community. The crew is made of up of a select group of eighth grade students who produce, edit and anchor the news program.
National Junior Honor Society
Students are invited to apply to this service organization if they meet the initial criteria of a 3.5 cumulative average, no U's in exploratory or physical education, and have good behavior. Meetings are announced at least 1 week in advance on the morning announcements.
Renaissance is a school wide program that recognizes all students who achieve academic excellence. Throughout the school year the students participate in many Renaissance activities. Students are to listen to morning announcements for the upcoming recognition event.
Student Government
A service organization that focuses on leadership, service and character. Students are chosen by their peers for each term. Students manage Friday night dances and are in charge of various fundraising activities throughout the school year.
Multi-Cultural Club
Expand your knowledge of the Spanish language and other cultures.
Do YOU want to win $100? Do YOU want to get better at talking to people? Do YOU want to be prepared to be a successful adult with skills for the real world? RISE meets once a week in the fall to help equip students with social, public speaking, and other real-world skills. Students have the option to compete for $100 at the end of the semester. There will be announcements regarding meeting dates in September.
Video Club
Lights, Camera, Action! Video Club provides 7th & 8th grade students with the opportunity to learn and expand their knowledge with video editing software. Students will gain a better understanding of camera techniques and produces short video productions.
Yearbook Club
Yearbook Club is for selected 8th grade students. They design, market and distribute the Mullen Yearbook.
Yearbook Club is for selected 8th grade students. They design, market and distribute the Mullen Yearbook.
Yoga Club
Dress comfortably and wear/bring socks for all club meetings. A yoga mat will be provided or you may bring your own.
Volleyball Club
The goal of the volleyball club is to teach girls the skills and knowledge of the sport needed to be successful players. This club is for female students in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. This club targets anyone from the beginner who is looking to try a new sport, to girls who already play for club teams and are looking to improve their game and play at the high school level. All members of the club are required to have a physical on file with the nurse in order to participate. This club will start in February after the conclusion of the winter sports season and run to April meeting roughly 1x-2x per week. Listen to the announcements for information on how to join.